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Thursday, July 22, 2010
Resting in Christ
This post in Jesus Calling rang in my head as I read it. I think the word "refreshment" defines what my entire being is longing for these days. It is SO HOT outside, the "highlights" of our summer have passed and now we are left with summer reading, uniform fittings, used book sales, and irregular bedtimes!
I have LOVED being at home with my children the past few months. I have watched them play basketball, play in the sprinkler, catch fireflies and butterflies. We have had "movie nights" made popcorn, cookies, and brownies. We've been to the lake, swimming, and grilled out. I have had some GREAT late nights with Grace and her friends. (I LOVE her stage of life and hanging out with her...almost 15 years) I have been reminded OVER AND OVER how blessed I am to have these perfectly created children.
( I won't mention the text that I sent Mike a few days ago that read: If I ever get a break to leave, Probably never coming back...last 17 years have been GREAT! ....He didn't think it was quite as funny as I did....I think he lost his breath for a moment! hahahahahaha!)
The past few days I have been going through video clips (trying to organize a bit). As I ran across this one, a flood of memories came crashing through my mind and heart and couldn't help but weep as I watched Josie's frail frame cry as Mike and I tried to hold her for the first time. Her cry was deafening. The first week, as I carried her through the streets of the city trying to get paper work finalized, she would SCREAM the most pitiful moan-type cry. (It was VERY obvious that she was NOT fond of this ghost-like "vista" that was holding her) If you notice in this video I keep touching her face. She felt hot (feverish) and I was trying to figure out if it was just the African heat or my mother's intuition telling me that she was ill (ONCE AGAIN)
Once we went through the medical exam that confirmed that Josie Love was HIV+, it started all making sense. She seemed to always be sick and even smelled "sick".
There are now SIX (out of 9) children from Josie's baby home that live in our area. We just had our first birthday celebration for one of them. Judah turned FIVE!! It was the best party. To see all of these children now with their forever families was TRULY a blessing. Josie Love had a BLAST! She remembers all of these children. Most of them have a hard time understanding that Josie is the same "Josephine" that they lived with in Uganda. She is physically different (loving her some mac n cheese..haha) and is running, playing, and talking. She spoke a few words in Uganda, but not much else.
As I looked through these pics, I was reminded ONCE AGAIN of how much medicine for HIV can change a child's life. My sweet little angel has been COMPLETELY transformed and is in the process of being healed from this awful virus that could have taken her life. is what YOU can do! THIS is how YOU can make a difference! Educate yourself. I am SO EXCITED about this that I can hardly stand it.
This AWESOME exhibit is coming to Brentwood!! I AM SO EXCITED! You guys get a chance to walk the journey that I walked with Josie Love and do not even have to travel 24 hours in a plane! Please, please, please if you live ANYWHERE near me at all, come experience this with me. It is August 8th-15th at Otter Creek Church of Christ on Franklin rd in Brentwood, Tn.
If your do not live near me, they are traveling nationally, check and see if they will be coming near you!

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About Me

- suzanne
- I am a lover of Jesus. I have the most fabulous husband that anyone woman could ask for. The Lord has blessed us with 7 beautiful children. I started this blog so that friends and family could follow our trip to Uganda to visit Katie Davis. I have decided to keep blogging to help bring orphan awareness to the world around me.
Praising God with you Suzanne!
Much love,
I can't believe how big all the Amani kiddos have gotten! Josie is such a sweetheart - she looks great!
The difference in the video and her now is absolutely amazing! What a little miracle!
Wow if I didn't live across the United States I would check it out. What an awesome way to give people a real walk in your shoes and a real feel for this part of our shared world. Did I mention Josie Love is one very blessed girl? Well, she is and God bless you all for it!
Wish I lived closer...thankfully I get to experience my own little HIV+ miracle every day too. (oh and I'm posting pics now, largely in part to YOUR encouragement! Thank you!) (((hug)))
The video is precious!
this brings tears. The Josephine in that video is the little Josie that I knew and grew to love within the first few hours at Amani. That same painful cry while she rested her warm face on my chest as she gasped for the next breath, it brings back so many memories of praying that someday God would bring a mom and dad that were capable of providing the medical attention she needed to survive. We serve a MIGHTY God. We have never personally met, but I have never thought so highly of a family as I do yours.I have shared Josies story with every close one I know and know with out a doubt God has HUGE plans for this little girl. Give her a hug & kiss for me.--Sandy
We hosted this event at our church in the Fall and it is AMAZING!!!! GET EVERYONE THERE!!! Love to you guys...
Wow! It is amazing to see the difference in Josie! Praise God! What a blessing!!
Josie Love is so sweet. I can't read your blog without shedding tears. Your family has such a heart for the Lord. You have such a huge heart! Peace, Love and Happiness for all of you!!:)
Love your post....your heart is so obvious for Christ :)
Hey, also wanted to let you know that we will be in TN at the end of next week- for about 10 days......if you would like to visit.....go to our blog and - e-mail or facebook.... :)
Hey Suzanne - this is Joli in Blackshear, GA (Abby's friend, ha!). We were so glad to talk with you and Gwen last Friday...and can't wait to see what the Lord is going to accomplish when you all come here in November!
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