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Monday, August 2, 2010
The end of summer is nearing. As I look back over the last few months I have realized several things. The transition from THREE children being at home all day everyday to SEVEN being home every day has been a HUGE transition. One that has left me longing for my bed and pillow once my younger ones were finally in their beds asleep.
I am EXTREMELY aesthetic. I love colorful flowers in the spring and summer. This year rather than just planting flowers in the front, I have planted 5 HUGE planters on my back deck full of the most colorful and beautiful flowers. I have gardenias in several of them so that I can smell their sweetness as I sit on my deck, drink my coffee, and read my bible. I have put up a hummingbird feeder and a golden finch feeder so that I can watch them. The hummingbirds are so intriguing and the golden finches are some of the most beautiful birds that I have ever seen. I realized last week that I have subconsciously done all of this for encouragement. So that I can see glimpses of Christ as I look out my kitchen window after just spending 20 minutes sitting in the floor with little ones rolling all over me. I have needed to feel HIS presence roll over me like the scent of the gardenias as I walk out my back door. The wings on the hummingbird remind me of our lives, moving so rapidly that we can hardly breathe. The only time they stop the flutter is to drink a few drops of nectar to keep them in motion for the next few moments.
I realized that I have moved my "special space" from the front porch to the back porch. Haven't we all? What has happened to the culture of a "neighborhood?" Everyone use to sit out on their front porch and greet people as they passed. Now, we pull up, push the button to our garage door, pull in, and close the garage door behind us. (unless you drive a van like mine that won't fit in my garage..hahaha) We have gone from large families to small families. We say that we have done all of these things to "simplify".....which in reality, haven't these changes done just the opposite? Our lives continue to get faster and faster each year. I am laughing as I type this because I am thinking about my life. I am VERY conservative in starting my children in any kind of organized sport at a young age, we usually do not attend birthday parties before they are school age, and I try to be intentional about "going and doing" with my younger ones. HOWEVER, with each child added, our lives continue to get busy INSIDE my house! Which really doesn't leave TOO much time for business outside our home.
I think that our TB nurses are completely bumfuzzled by our family. Everyday they look around and just shake their heads at all of the commotion. I have gotten to where I just giggle at their expressions. Friday is Josie Love's LAST DOSE of TB meds! I AM SO EXCITED, I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!! We have had to alter her HIV meds because of the TB, so I am ready to see what happens when everything is measured out as it should be.
AND GUESS WHO IS STARTING PRESCHOOL THIS YEAR?!?!?! YEP! Little Miss Josie Love. Sister is SO excited! When we go to church she cannot get up the steps quick enough to make it to her class. Just at the mention of "school" she gets giddy! More to come on her preparations.....

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About Me

- suzanne
- I am a lover of Jesus. I have the most fabulous husband that anyone woman could ask for. The Lord has blessed us with 7 beautiful children. I started this blog so that friends and family could follow our trip to Uganda to visit Katie Davis. I have decided to keep blogging to help bring orphan awareness to the world around me.
Love that photo! Can so relate to your post - :-)
Praising God for the joy in Josie Love's heart!
Blessings and love,
Thank you for sharing, so true! LOVE that Josie Love startes school, and is so excited! Our boys are about done with summer, they are so ready to go to school!
Oh boy. another milestone in that precious babies life. God is so good.
What a beautiful analogy for my life as flowers and sitting staring into our vineyard...but realize that we have no neighbours to chit chat with...but how do I greet people when I go into do I smile at them and show them God's love???? Questions that need answers and now time to pray about those very questions.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post and sharing your heart as well.
I love that picture of your family!! It's great!! And so excited that Josie is starting preschool. I am a 3 year old preschool teacher...I know she will love it!
Congrats Josie Love! I love you sweet girl!
Great post... but what I"m most amazed at is how you got your family of 9 to walk IN THE SAME DIRECTION for the picture.... amazing!
We are missing Josie here in jinja but I can't believe how much she has grown since she was placed into your family! so excited for her to start preschool - that's so fun!
I just wanted to tell you that when I opened your post in my google reader, I almost cried. I love the picture of your family - and think that is exactly what family SHOULD look like!
I read your blog often but hardly comment - I think I found your blog through Emily Alexander's and I love it! I have 5 siblings and think big families are wonderful. I hope that God will continue to bless us with kiddos. I know some days are hard for you - I mean, is there a busier person?? - but, just know when your kids are all adults it will be nothing but FUN. I love having a big family and I'm sure your kids love it too!!
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