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Monday, October 5, 2009
HOME SWEET HOME sweet it is to be home in the arms of my husband and children....Uuuuuhhhhh how my heart aches to bring Josie love home also. I KNOW that the Lord's timing is the BEST timing, so I will cling to that for now.
I have had MANY questions reguarding adoption in Uganda. There is MUCH that I DO NOT know, but I will share what I DO know. Everyone's adoption process is different. (Just like every pregnancy is different) My family heard about Amani Baby Cottage in Uganda through Katie Davis. She highly recommends Amani but will be the FIRST one to tell you that Uganda is unpredictable when it comes to adoption because their "time frame" doesn't really run parallel with "American time frame." She will also tell you that her time at Amani helped shape her for what she is doing today. (She volunteered at Amani her first trip to Uganda) Amani is absolutely breath taking. It has a HUGE yard for the children to play, toys to ride, swings, and The Nile is right across the street. It is CLEAN and the caretakers are Ugandan women that love and play with the children. They have an adoption coordinator, Amy Blevins, who has been a total God-send to Mike and I. She volunteers at Amani and she works so hard. The trips that we made to Kampala for all of Josie's medical and paperwork were HARD and she led us through it! The hardest thing for all of us during our stay was the unpredictability of the legal matters/time frame. In America, there seems to be more of a "system" on how to accomplish most things. Uganda not necessarily......hahaha.
Uganda is in the beginning stages of figuring this whole "adoption thing"out. Over time, I'm sure they will iron out all of the wrinkles. If you want to go through an agency for an African adoption, go to Ethiopia. It seems to be a little more predictable. They have more of the legal matters/time frame in place... I believe. My advice for Uganda: I would highly recommend Amani Baby Cottage, PRAY that the Lord guide you in this decision, and KNOW that it is going to be a HARD journey. UNDERSTAND that Amani or any other babies home has NO control over the time frame. You are totally at the governments mercy! Also, know that this is just my opinion.
Adoption is the road less traveled and there is a reason for that. IT is a TRAGEDY. For domestic adoption, there is a birthmother that is leaving a child behind...HEART WRENCHING. For International adoption, (typically) a child has been abandoned, and his/her heart KNOWS that and LONGS for a mommy and daddy. IT IS NOT EASY and prepare for your heart to BREAK several times along the road. If you want to feel the Lord's presence more than ever, see the face of Jesus in a child, and experience the HEARTBEAT of Christ TAKE the road less traveled. I've done it three times and will be FOREVER changed.
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About Me

- suzanne
- I am a lover of Jesus. I have the most fabulous husband that anyone woman could ask for. The Lord has blessed us with 7 beautiful children. I started this blog so that friends and family could follow our trip to Uganda to visit Katie Davis. I have decided to keep blogging to help bring orphan awareness to the world around me.
You are a precious, grace-filled, trail-blazing, passionate follower of Jesus. Your words are full of mercy, wisdom and love. May we all learn from you and Mike what seeking to be like Christ looks like...what being filled with joy in the midst of the circumstances not going our way looks like. I'm praying for Josie who I know is in the wonderful care of Christene and company, but that she would be home in your arms sooner than we have asked or imagined. He IS a BIG God!! Love you sister.
Wow, I knew adoption in Uganda was unpredicatable, but reading your version shows that it is even more so than I thought. We are in the process and we know many other people using our same attorney and going through a babies' home in Kampala.
With our attorney you go to court, then get written and verbal ruling within a week or so and then have the passport and visa within a week of that and come home. So some people take two trips (one trip to meet the child and spend time with them, then they come home and finish their American side of all the paperwork and immigration stuff and then they go again for a 2-3 week stay to do their court date and then come home with their little one) and some people take one trip where they meet their child, wait for their court date, get the passport and visa and then come home (their trips seem to be a month or more).
The most recent two I heard about got their verbal ruling in one day and their written ruling in two days and had their passport and visa within a week of that. So the total from their court date to going home with child was only 9 days. But then I also know someone who was told she wouldn't have her verbal ruling for 2 months and her written one possibly a full month after the verbal one (a total of three months).
It is a really unpredicatable process right now. Like you said, you just must trust God's timing for your own adoption because He has a plan. And you must be prepared for heart break. But know that at some point, after an undertimined amount of time and process, you will have your child in your arms and at home with you.
I have been lurking on your blog (I'm a childhood friend of Ondrea's) for quite some time and following your journey. This post in particular, struck the nerves of my heart. My heart aches for you and your family having to leave Sweet Josie Love behind. (I did it many times in Guatemala) But, my heart is also overjoyed for you that you show such trust and faith in the Lord. I have been praying for ya'll and will continue to do so until you are reunited with your sweet baby girl.
Very well written Suzanne! I wish it were easier, but I know that we have felt God's help and presence more than ever in this journey. Longing for the day our sweeties are home and continuing to pray for all of you and Josie Love!!
Thank you for this post, Suzanne.I have been waiting for the Lord to lead me where we will adopt and I was hoping that Uganda would be it!But I am starting to see that the logistics are quite possibly more difficult than what I would have imagined.I will be praying for your family as you wait again and know that God will bring you in HIS time.I will be following your blog to hear of your news.
Thanks for sharing your heart and a little more of the reality of Katie's life in Uganda. Our family is praying for yours. Everything each one of us can do to better the life of another is great (it is obedient).
(friend of Martha Price, heard you speak at Tracy Jones' house in M'Boro)
Did you smother those first 2 babies of your in kisses?? I know you ache to have JL home and she will be in His timing- often wish that His timing, aligned with our own, but then we would miss so much. Welcome home friend.
Amen to this post! We adopted from China in 2007 and are about to start a home study to try and bring 2 home from Africa. I will be praying for sweet Josie Love. I linked to your blog from Katie's blog. I know the Lord will take care of her! Praying for you!
Suzanne, you are such an inspiration to me. So glad that I got behind your van one day in the pick up line and saw your sticker...because of that and my curiosity, our eyes have been opened to the orphan crisis of this world. Because of the awareness that you,gwen,katie,and others have brought to our attention, we will take the road less traveled!(to ethiopia)! may you be blessed...continuing to pray for your family.
Suzzane, this is my first time to comment on your blog. I hope you received my email about how I know it aches, literally, to leave one and come home. I have been getting the emails sent back to me because of your "vacation" mode, so I don't know if you got that one. I pray for the time you can go get that precious girl. Mary N
Glad you arrived back safe. Will continue to pray for your family.
Glad to see you're back home. I pray that you will travel back very soon to bring Josie home. My husband and I have adopted 3 from China. I'm so thankful God allowed us to travel the road of adoption. We have been so blessed. I pray that more and more people will step up to the plate and adopt. There are so many orphans that need homes. If people only knew the joy that they will receive from adoption. God is soooo GOOD!!!!
Until They all have homes!
Machell Rogers
good one sister !!!
Your words are so true and so encouraging. Thank you for your courage in "following the road less traveled". You are an inspiration to many.....more than you will ever know. Blessings!
Welcome home! I can't even begin to imagine the joy your family had in wrapping you in their arms. Thank you for sharing your heart and for being transparent about your blessings and heartaches through this journey. Your faith brings glory and honor to our sweet Saviour.
Loved seeing the picture of sweet little Michael...his story tugged at my heart and he has been on my mind often.
Praying for your family!
Amy & Michael
I agree, Suzanne. After having the privilege to adopt, we will NEVER be the same again! Thank you Lord!
It reminds me of a praise song we sing:
"I will never be the same again,
I can never return, I've closed the door.
I will walk apart, I'll run the race
And I will never be the same again.
Fall like fire, soak like rain,
Flow like mighty waters, again and again.
Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff,
And let a flame burn to glorify Your name.
There are higher heights, there are deeper seas,
Whatever you need to do, Lord do in me.
The Glory of God fills my life,
And I will never be the same again.
We are praying for your family and sweet Josie!
Wow, truer word were never spoken. We took that road less traveled nearly 20 yrs ago for the first time as brand new believers with our first foster child who became our son. With each of the next 4 adoptions, Korea special needs, domestic and Ethiopian older siblings, God called us to step out in faith like Peter on the water. Over and over through the ups and downs, I felt Him whisper, "Keep your eyes on me, don't look at the water!" It's been hard and wonderful this road that we started so many years and kids ago but I am so excited to see many of my fellow believers hearing that same call I heard as a baby Christian. James 1:27! Praying for all of you as join the adventure!!
Thank you for this insightful and transparent post. Those who would be discouraged, should be discouraged. This process and the one that follows is not for the faint of heart. You have done Christ justice in the way that you and Mike have walked this, been broken before the world, and ultimately shown your willingness to walk the tough road that is God's glory! Thank you so much, more more more of your kind of truth is needed. These precious babies deserve no less. And I know that God can't wait to put Josie into your arms for good, I know that He is just waiting longingly for that day. May it come quickly. I am praying for you!
I've been reading about your journey (found you from Katie's blog). Your family is beautiful. Praying that your sweet Josie Love is with you soon.
Many blessings to you!
Praying over Josie' homecoming Suzanne!
So thankful that God introduced us!
My heart cries out the same words and I trust God to use our desire to spread His love for the children around the world!
Praising God you are home once again and united with your husband safely! Praying over Katie and all that God calls her to do daily!
Love in Christ,
we have a daughter named josie too! she was born in liberia, and has multiple serious needs as well. know that ache to get a josie home so that she can get the help she needs. praying for you all! rachel
I miss you so much mommy and I can't wait til I get to meet Josie!I am going to call you today.okay but please answer.
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