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Saturday, May 1, 2010

She is gifted in many ways. The one that has shown itself in the past few days is her athleticism. She runs track for a christian school here in Brentwood. She is "freakishly" fast. She is in the 8th grade and has broken record after record. Yesterday was the finals for the HVAC and she broke several of the HVAC records....she literally made history. I cannot wait to watch her in the years to come. She runs with such grace. She is beautiful to watch. We stood on the sidelines yesterday and cheered her on.....Josie Love is one of her biggest cheerleaders. She screamed "ABBIE, ABBIE, ABBIE" over and over again. She wasn't content until Abbie came across the track and gave her a big "love" around the neck. I am so thankful that my younger three girls have Grace and Abbie to watch as they grow up. What a sweet blessing.
Speaking of Josie Love....GUESS WHO IS GETTING THEIR EYES LIFTED AT THE YOUNG AGE OF 4? Yep! you got it! We're going in for some plastic surgery in a few weeks. I must admit that there is a part of me that is going to miss those sweet little squinty eyes. I LOVE the way she smiles....her entire face beams with happiness, squinty eyes and all! May 13th is the big day. Please be praying for us. I'm a little anxious about the anesthesia and everything else that goes along with surgery. While they are lifting her eyelids, they will be draining some of the fluid off of her lobes that cause the puffiness. The specialist at Vanderbilt is little perplexed by the fluid. She will be sending it off for testing to figure out EXACTLY what is causing it. It will be out patient, and the recovery is only about 48 hours. I can't wait to post pics of her eyes open!! A whole new world is going to open up before her......yippppeeeeeee!
Thank you for lifting my family up the past 2 weeks. While it has been some of the hardest weeks of our lives, Christ has shown up. My brother, Tim, and the kids are doing okay. While we will forever miss Lane Ann, it makes my heart whole to know that she is in heaven in NO pain. Please keep praying for Tim. I cannot FATHOM what it must feel like to get into an empty bed each night.
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About Me

- suzanne
- I am a lover of Jesus. I have the most fabulous husband that anyone woman could ask for. The Lord has blessed us with 7 beautiful children. I started this blog so that friends and family could follow our trip to Uganda to visit Katie Davis. I have decided to keep blogging to help bring orphan awareness to the world around me.
We'll be praying for the surgery and have been praying for all your family!!!
Still praying for your family.
Your niece is beautiful from the inside out for sure!
I continue to pray for Tim and his family - what a testimony of faith and God's perfect love!
We will pray for Josie Love's surgery!
Love and blessings,
Consider your family covered in prayers from Hong Kong!
Love & Blessings,
Wow! Josie has the biggest smile in the whole entire world as is...I can't begin to imagine how much bigger it will be when she can see so much more at once! What an incredible conversation you will have when she can put it all in her own words! Love ya:)
Oh Suzanne...I am praying and believing BIG things for May 13th! That is the DAY we go to court for our son in Ethiopia!!!!!! Praying for our children and for God's best for them!
I wanted to let you know that your family is beautiful! God will bless you and your family here on Earth and in Heaven! I will keep Josie in our prayers!!
Wherever did you snap that pic of me running in my new gear??
Miss you. So loved our time together!
Yay!!! Can't wait to see sweet JLove with eyes wide open! Sweet little stinker ;-) Excited and praying for you all!
Good luck with Josie's surgery. She is just adorable.
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