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Thursday, May 13, 2010
love therapy

My heart is so full. Part of the fullness is pain. Part is joy.
After getting over the shock and heartache of Josie being HIV+, being on my knees for awhile begging the Lord to give me what I needed to be the very best mommy possible to this sweet little angel that he had entrusted me with....I SHIFTED INTO OVERDRIVE. Mama was going to do everything that needs to be done to get her baby better! I have had a mental checklist of the things medically that needed to be done for her to be able to thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. In the beginning, I thought she would for sure need physical therapy to walk, speech therapy to speak, and occupational therapy for all of the rest. I did all of the research for the very best places specifically designed for HER needs. ONE WEEK HOME and little sister proved me wrong! She is walking, her speech gets clearer and clearer by the day.(although her spanish from Dora the Explorer and english are beginning to get a little bit intermingled) The child can pour drinks, twist bottles open, polish nails and whatever else that she puts her mind to do! So, I have decided that our family will just continue to give "love" therapy. The last time that we saw our infectious disease doctors I asked their opinion on what else that needed to be done for her. Their response: exactly what you are is working! Her viral loads are almost undetectable now, her eyelids have been lifted, and she is getting "love therapy".
Mama is toast from being at the hospital all day.......The scripture to which I cling the most these days is: And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the GREATEST of these is LOVE. Isn't it ironic that love is her middle name? Stay tuned....I will be posting pics of her healing eyes!!
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About Me

- suzanne
- I am a lover of Jesus. I have the most fabulous husband that anyone woman could ask for. The Lord has blessed us with 7 beautiful children. I started this blog so that friends and family could follow our trip to Uganda to visit Katie Davis. I have decided to keep blogging to help bring orphan awareness to the world around me.
Hugs and prayers to your little angel. What an amazing little girl.
So good to hear Josie Love is continuing to improve. Think how many kids' lives could be drastically changed like this if families would step forward and claim them as their own. Yay for Josie!
What a precious and sweet mama you are. Josie is SO blessed! I can't wait to see pics of her "reveal!"
Praise GOD! great news! rejoicing with you!
Glad she's done with the procedure and looking forward to seeing her sweet eyes healing!! ((hug))
hurray!! such wonderful news that the surgery was a success! can't wait to see those pretty eyes!
(a friendly lurker and soon to be fellow adoptive mama!)
Mrs. Mayernick,
It is such a blessing to hear that Josie Love's eyes are being lifted! Grace and I have been praying for her in our advisory class, as well as many others in the grade. I have loved seeing Grace grow through Jesus since Josie arrived home! Your family is such a blessing to me! Thanks for posting! Can't wait to see her beautiful face! ;)
Love, Presley Russell
Oh I can't wait to see her "eye lift"!
Praising God for the healing and miracles He is doing in her life through His love and yours!
Hugs and blessings,
Oh, that girl brings so much happiness to me. I just can't help but smile everytimes I see her pictures.
Sending lots of love & cyber hugs/kisses Josie's way for quick healing! I will be (un)patiently waiting to see her beautiful eyes!
Thank you for the update, Suzanne. What an angel--I just want to squeeze her. It must be so bitter sweet--((hugs)) to her and ((hugs)) to you. Feel the love cause it's all around you.
We have been praying for the surgery since you announced it and are celebrating it went well! Tell us how to pray for you guys and we are there! God is so present in this precious one's life.
I've been reading your blog for awhile now, but I don't think I've left a comment. I just want to say thank you for posting your family's story. It is inspiring and beautiful. Hugs to you, tired Mama, and quick healing to little Josie.
Praise Jesus! She is precious and so are you!
Suzanne - I love these sweet words over this sweet angel! I'm glad that today went well and I can't wait to see JL with her eyes wide open. I can't even imagine how she could smile any wider - but soon she will be glowing with huge eyes! Can't wait! Much love!
Tara B
Praise the Lord!!!
"love therapy".... perfect title for a post-adoption book on attachment/bonding/healing.... not that you need one more thing on your to do list : ) Precious post that brought joy to my heart... I guess love therapy is exactly what Jesus pours on all His broken adopted children... praise God for your faithfulness to use that same therapy as an overflow of your heart into the sweet little life in your Josie Love!
Oh, your precious Josie Love is love therapy for all of us. Thank You Jesus for answered prayers and for Your healing hand.....
Sweet dreams..... everything is going to be ok...
awww....she sounds like she is just thriving! I am soooo happy for y'all and especially for her!! Cracks me up that they pick up Spanish from Dora so quickly! I have 2 little ones that adore watching Dora, too!! Praying for your *Love* and quick healing!
I just love the LOVE therapy. I also love the pics that show just how much she trusts you and your husband--that also show just how much you care about her. Yes, much love therapy may have taken place since she's been home, but the most remarkable healing seems to be in her heart.
God Bless,
I have been waiting all day for this post!!!!!! I cant express how happy I am right now!!! Kiss her lots for me! Ill continue to pray for her healing! -Sandy
yayyyyy, i saw a pic from Gwen...She looks amazing, kj
oh my, i don't think she could get any cuter in those little hospital clothes! how precious, what a precious gift she must be to your family!
To God be the glory for your sweet girl's abilities and fighting spirit!
Yipee! I talked with Brian and Mandy on the phone last night and was so glad to hear that Josie did so well. You are all in our prayers. Don't forget you have a very willing nurse less than 20 minutes from you who's favorite medicine to practice is "love therapy". Ben and I adore your example,courage and Godly leadership as we start our own journey. I talked with Yolanda Chapman last night (who squealed when she realized Ben and Mike were related)and realized how it is sooooo not an accident that God has placed all of these people in our lives over the past 7 years. YOU ALL KNOW EACH OTHER AND WE HAD NO IDEA!!!!! Paster Pat Hood and his family, the Chapmans...and mostly this amazing extended family. Mandy and Brian just made us feel so much better last night.
Needless to say we have already began to face the first onslaught of people who perceive us as crazy.Thats ok, they are not who I draw my strength from nor whom I will be required to answer to.
again praise Jesus for Josies continued amazing recovery and successful surgery.
Love therapy is the best medicine out there. Josie's strength due to your love will amaze you.
Glad to hear the surgery went well!
I'll be watching for the pics of her precious healing eyes...and praying for God to strengthen and bless you and yours as you continue to love on Josie. She is beautiful! I so enjoy your posts ;-)
I know that I am new to this blog, but it has become one of my favorite. I just wanted to make a little comment about HIV and some new findings (no this is not an advertisement). I have been a vegetarian most of my life and my body does not do well with cow milk. I have drank almond milk, soy milk...etc. for quite some time now. Due to fertility reasons my fertility Dr. told me to stay away from soy products, something about it being better for women going through menopuse. Anyways, not the point I am getting to LOL. I talked to a few friends and they suggested switching to coconut milk, they told me you can buy it at health food stores and some supermarkets now carry it upon request. I also cook with coconut oil. I was reading the benefits and other good things that come with it and they had an article on HIV and coconut. I have attached the link, it is not selling anything it is just saying what they have found. If you do not want to click on the link you can google "HIV + coconut"
You may already know this and if you do I am sorry to have bothered you. You have such a beautiful family and they all have true love light shining from their eyes. :) My prayers are with you and yours.
All I can say is that was a beautiful post!
I will share the same advise I was given by another mother of a child w/ special needs when doctors could not provide us a care plan for Sam ... BLAZE YOUR OWN TRAIL!
Your LOVE THERAPY looks to be the ticket!
So proud of your example. Cannot wait to see you (and yours) on our summer trip home!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Oh to know Jlovie is getting the RIGHT kind of therapy! As her eyes are opened (after the swelling subsides) I pray you are able to fully share her JOY as she experiences all kinds of new and wonderful things! :)
I know this is extrememly random, but I was looking for a quote and for some reason it brought me to your blog- Maybe you quoted it..
"God intentionally puts His people in situations where they come face to face with their need for him. In the process He demonstrates his ability to provide everything that his people could ever have imagined. In the end, He brings glory to himself."
I cried after reading some of your story. I know you don't even know who I am, but I just want to let you know that I am praying for your family and situation.
Jessica Swiger- Ohio
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