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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

i find it comical that i am awake before my family on Christmas morning.  I just couldn't sleep.....thoughts kept swirling in my head.

 We went to my mom and dad's last night. Once again, I was reminded of how precious family is.  My dad turned 80 in November.  I can't believe it.  You would never know that my parents are as old as they are......their energy is astounding. My brother, his new wife, and family moved to Montana, so they were not there.  It just wasn't the same.  Our family has been so close my entire life, when someone is absent, it leaves a gaping hole.  I left my moms house thankful that my brother has found someone to love and while they were not at my moms, he is still in my heart.

There were multiple times last night when my 3 littles were bouncing off the walls, that I thought "i will not miss these days."  The struggle of wrangling them 24/7 is not for the weak:)   before we opened gifts, Joshua quoted Luke 2 for the family.  As I sat with a smile on my face and love in my heart for this little boy, I couldn't help but think of Mary and the difficulty she felt in her lifetime rearing Jesus.  (all of a sudden, mine seemed VERY small)  They went from door to door just trying to find a place for her to deliver Jesus.  Not to mention, the ridicule she was under her entire pregnancy.  Can you imagine how the women in her community gossiped about her?  And for Joseph, people thought he was just plain ole' stupid for putting up with a cheating girlfriend....not for the weak.

While listening to scripture stream from Joshua's mouth i couldn't help but wonder where he would be. What would his life look like, but because God has a very special plan for him, he was standing before me with scripture streaming from his mouth....telling the story of Jesus, telling of God's special plan for Jesus's birth.  What a celebration.  What an HONOR to know HIM and know that HE has a special plan for each and every one of us.  WOW.  it's almost too much to fathom.  Brings tears to my eyes at just the thought.

I hope you are filled with some of the same thoughts through this wonderful season.  Merry Christmas from the Mayernicks!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful thing it is to hear your child reciting scripture. Brings tears to my eyes too. God bless you!

Shaina said...


I was reading your blog from the beginning to see the story of how Josie Love came to be part of your family, and I noticed that you had friends who adoption from Amani Baby Cottage. I'm friends with a couple at my church who want to adopt a boy, Brian, from there...they had a children's home in Kenya, and Brian was part of their group, but they had to return to the US. I'm just wondering if you know personally of any resources for funding such a thing. I spent some time googling resources, but thought you might have some better leads.

Shaina said...

Oh, also, since you approve comments before they're published, here's my email.
Thanks again!



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I am a lover of Jesus. I have the most fabulous husband that anyone woman could ask for. The Lord has blessed us with 7 beautiful children. I started this blog so that friends and family could follow our trip to Uganda to visit Katie Davis. I have decided to keep blogging to help bring orphan awareness to the world around me.
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