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147 Million Orphans Blog
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to read or not to read...
so, i was just tagged in this blog....not sure if you want to read it, but BOY, sister friend is feeling really strong..and the pictures?!??!! WOW!
go to this link: nogreaterjoymom
the next generation
HOPE. This next generation of kids GET IT. THEY GET IT. there are more "20 somethings" giving there life away at home and overseas then EVER before. IT is ASTOUNDING to watch. And it is not the easy road. These kids are dealing with malaria, special needs, malnourishment, HIV/AIDS, DEATH on a daily basis. THeir "daily dealings" would leave most of us over here in our "comfy little lives" in counseling for years.
My nephew is one of these kids. My first trip to Africa we took him along. He was a typical kid. He had a little rebellion in him...just enough to make you wonder what he was thinking:) His heart has always been as big as EVER, but his "tough guy persona" overshadowed it a bit. I knew if I could get him in the right setting that he wouldn't be able to resist the tenderness that was really in his heart....and that is basically what happened on our trip. LITERALLY, before our eyes, we watched a transformation happen. Writing about it today brings tears to my eyes. He is a junior at UT. Any extra time that he has these days, he is boarding a plane serving. Honduras, Haiti, name it and he desires to GO AND DO. I received an email from him a few nights ago and this is what I read:
Passion. What exactly is passion? Webster’s dictionary describes the word passion as an emotion, an intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction, and also as love, a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. As followers of Jesus Christ, what does the word ‘passion’ mean to us and what are the implications of it in our lives? First and foremost, we are to have a passion to seek and pursue Jesus. After all, if scripture is inherently the word of God and is God inspired, which we do believe as followers of Christ, we should look no further than the Word of God to reach a verdict. I believe to truly be passionate about Jesus, means to be passionate about the things that Jesus himself was passionate about. One of the clearest passages of Scripture that sheds light into what Jesus was passionate about is Matthew 25 verse 31-40. Jesus is speaking about the final judgment of mankind and the manner in which man will be judged. He talks about separating the goats from the sheep according to how they had lived their lives. Verses 34-40 read:
“Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?”
“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”
What, or whom, are you passionately living for?
Now, this makes an auntie's heart proud.
My Grace is the same way. Our Honduras trip was just enough to hold her over until she can step foot on those red dirt roads this summer. My Michael is starting to ask also..."when can I go?!" It's such a huge pull at their hearts to get out and DO that they can hardly stand it. THE BODY OF CHRIST....the next generation GETS IT and I am so thankful that I have a front row seat:)
Josie love's valentines banquet
Josie's teacher told me that the other teachers ask her all the time if Josie is ALWAYS smiling like they see her in the hall. She said "I say yes! the child is the happiest child alive!" A friend described her by saying "she has HIS spirit all over her, like she's still in heaven or something." When I took her to Vandy a few days ago the "vitals nurses" fight over who is going to get her when they see her folder. Our IFD nurse said that her doctor (Uncle Wilson) just grins from ear to ear when he knows she is coming. They all say that she is a BRIGHT SPOT in their day.
It's days like today that my body is aching and i cannot wait to lay my head on my pillow. Yet, my heart is SO FULL that i can hardly sleep. I am so thankful for my life here on earth. Each and EVERY SINGLE day I get a little glimpse of heaven. WOW, i am so blessed.
Josie Love/warfare
if there is ANYTHING that I have learned on this journey called life is that satan is real. He is alive, well, and willing to kill, steal and destroy. satan does not like anyone caring for orphans. plain and simple.
those of you who follow me on facebook or twitter know that Gwen and I went to the Created4Care conference this past weekend. I wont mention that it took us 7 hours to get there instead of 4 1/2, because we were so excited to be together and get away that we headed SOUTH, but on the wrong interstate! hahaha. thankfully, we were not in a time crunch, no one was screaming at us, and we had a FABULOUS time catching up on each others lives:)
The next morning the conference center was packed! it was so exciting to see over 400 women from all over the nation come and "retreat" with other moms that have adopted, in the process of adoption, or contemplating it. Just the numbers alone brought tears to my eyes...OR maybe it was because my throat hurt so bad, I wanted to cry every time I swallowed? Gwen and I left home Thursday night, and by Friday morning i felt as though razor blades were cutting my throat. I was speaking on HIV, 2 panels, and a breakout session on moms that drive a bus (ha) throughout the weekend. How else would satan attack? of course, my throat.
In my mind, I started going through the ways to rebuke satan. we rely on God’s power, not our own. Second, we rebuke in Jesus’ Name, not our own. Third, we protect ourselves with the full armor of God. Fourth, we wage warfare with the sword of the Spirit—the Word of God. scriptures are full ofexamples of spiritual warfare. Revelation 12:7-8, Ephesians 6: 10-18, Matthew name a few.
I took tylenol around the clock, and pushed through. On my way home, i tried to stop and get my throat one was in. Monday morning I went straight to the doctor....STREP. started on an antibiotic and on Wednesday I called back, throat still KILLING me and now spitting blood. SOOO, they changed my meds, I am now on the mend after promising my doctor that I would lay on the couch all day today (hence me posting on my blog hahah)
My heart is still heavy from my HIV break out session. The room was FULL. I am SO conflicted on the whole disclosure issue. I pray and ask God to make it clear to me daily, it's all fear, so I will continue to pray for Him to give me peace. There are days when I wish we had not told anyone about Josie being HIV+...the days when I feel my mama bear claws come out in protection for her. But what if I hadnt told? I wouldnt have a platform to encourage and educate, my children wouldnt have been able to watch the MIRACULOUS journey that we have been on from the front row, the emails wouldnt have flowed in telling me the news of hearts being open to adoption for HIV children, my family would have to live with a secret, and if I don't share... the stigma STAYS! (truly, the list goes on and on and on. ) I am praying each day that all of my children will find their identity in CHRIST. Not in what their life holds...what their HEART holds. Check out this video....MIRACULOUS.
About Me
- suzanne
- I am a lover of Jesus. I have the most fabulous husband that anyone woman could ask for. The Lord has blessed us with 7 beautiful children. I started this blog so that friends and family could follow our trip to Uganda to visit Katie Davis. I have decided to keep blogging to help bring orphan awareness to the world around me.